This blog is in response to the poem "The Fish" by Elizabeth Bishop. This poem could have been interpreted in many ways... like "the fish" could symbolize a war veteran. The war veteran could have been shot or anything that could represent the hooks in the fishes mouth. This gives the fish or veteran a sense of wisdom that people can see. The fisher caught the fish and then let him go... Why? Could be because he had respect for the fish after seeing the scars that symbolized his triumphs. The fish had won. The story was about the way the fisher felt and described the glory of catching his fish.
I like this poem for many reasons, but it isn't my favorite. The fisher thinks for a little while before freeing the fish. I think he really wanted to keep it. If he would've kept it then the fish would probably feel like.. geeze really? All that fighting and getting away for nothing?!
While discussing this story in class... people mostly thought that the poem was about a regular fisher just fishing and catching a fish. Then Sweeney said it could have been about the war veteran. I guess that you could say a lot of people are like this. Just filled with wisdom.
Great Title, very catchy! Even though I haven't read this poem, it sounds very interesting. I think I might go read it!