This post is in response to the reading ''The Yellow Wallpaper." While reading this story I got really weirded out! This woman had a baby and then was suffering with separation anxiety. Postpartum depression disorder is what it's called. Then her husband didn't want to deal with her freaking out and acting all manic like. So he locked her in a room! He shows zero sympathy, zero caring, zero kindness. Just slam! and locks the door. This woman sat in this empty room that had yellow wallpaper for who knows how long. She mysteriously started seeing a woman behind bars in the walls. Of course she was going crazy. People go insane when they stare at nothing i'm guessing. The woman behind the bars in the story probably symbolizes woman feeling as small as possible. They feel like they are in a jail. They feel like they are robots and their husband, or the ''male'' figure, has the REMOTE to the Stepford Wives. So, this woman went crazy. Then strange enough, as if it was going to end there, she mysteriously has some rope. Her husband hears a ruckus in the room and tries to get in. She hid the key outside though! How did she even get outside?? Well her husband opens the door and FAINTS. Right there, he just faints. The really creepy part is that the story says the as he lay there, she continued to creep over him. Does that mean that her dead body was swinging over him?! How freaky is that! This story was different and strange. I wish the ending wasn't so creepy. I wish it was straight forward though and that people could know what happened to the baby, the woman, and the man.. and JANE. Who was Jane? A mistress? Very confusing but healthy story for your brain! Use your mind to twist it and flatten it out :)
The End.
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